Praise – The Lord Jesus deserves extravagant praise. He is worthy of not only our individual adoration, but also parades of praise, which will fill our streets.
Prayer – The March concludes with a Praise and Prayer Rally, where believers join together to intercede for our nation and the cities and people of the world.
Proclamation – We are the proclaimers of God’s truth. By our presence on the streets, we bless the nation with the good news that Jesus Christ has risen.
Unity – Believers of all ages, races, denominations, and affiliations come together to lift up their highest common denominator: Jesus Christ. Each group brings its distinct personality to the March and there is room for everyone in the family of faith in this march.
Denominational and Racial Reconciliation – The March gives us a chance to show undivided love as we leave secondary differences behind us and come together to worship Jesus Christ. The March displays that we can live in peace with each other by the power of the Prince of Peace.
Repentance – These public confessions break curses over our nation and release God’s blessings. We become obedient to 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Humility – Jesus rode to town on Palm Sunday on a gentle donkey. We can give him the same kind of vehicle by marching with humility.

….A Protest Protests are necessary since our message of truth often confronts the world’s values. But the specific purpose of this occasion is to positively declare who we are for, not what we are against.
….Issues-Oriented No matter how passionately we feel about an issue, Jesus remains center stage during the March. We exclude causes we disagree with as well as the ones we believe in.